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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MOGHUL GAMES +camils & deer 30
RUPA softline camisole 25
TWIN BIRDS camisoul +birds 25
camlin TRINITY 16
camlin fountain pens +camel 16
OONT CHHAP +cammel 34
camp +circle 41
camp HIMALAYAN +tree & hill 22
camp ROOTS 16
BED ROCK adventure camp 43
HAMONI golf camp 28, 41
KALI adventure camp 43
KUKI kids camp 18, 24, 25, 26
cub camp 24, 25
E-campaigner +circle 42
M-campaigner 42
camphor +god & oval 3
3 PINE camphor CAP +trees 3
505 fine camphor 4
888 fine camphor 3
AGNI camphor +hands & flame 3, 5
BHANU brand pure camphor 3
CHOTIWALE camphor +man lamp 5
DEVTA camphor +man 5
DIVYA brand pure camphor 3
GANESH camphor +god & circl 5
GANESH pure camphor +god 3
GAYATRI camphor +ovals 3
JYOTI camphor +goddess 35
LION camphor +lion & circle 3
MANGALAM camphor 3
OK fine camphor 3
POOJA brand fine camphor 5
RAGHURAMA camphor +gods 3
RAJKAMAL camphor +god & ova 3
RAJSHREE camphor +woman lam 5
SARASWATI camphor +goddess 3
SAWARMATI camphor +goddess 3
SHANMUGA camphor +god 3
SOMAYA camphor +oval 3
SS brand camphor +arrow 3
SURYA BRAND camphor +sun 3
V.G.R camphor 3
VASANT camphor +peacock 3
om camphor +star & circle 3
TERRA camping nature 9, 14, 25, 39, 41, 43
KHC kids holiday camps 41
CASTELLAN for your campus 9
CC career campus +circle 41
I-campus ACT AS ONE 42
JOB STREET campus 9, 16
MIHIR campus mate 42
NEST cyber campus 9
PMC plan my campus +circles 35
SGCC for campus 3
TATA CRUCIBLE campus quiz 16, 41
TWILLS campus 25, 35
TWILLS campus +star & strip 35
ZOIE campus 35
delhi technical campus +ova 41
evershine techno campus 9, 16
CAMS cams.net 9
RYDER cams 12
camy NUTTY BUTTY +coconuts 30
sundar camy 25
can certainly win +butterfl 41
can-derm 5
ACTION can AC-90/AC-90 4
BUDWEISER +circle & can 32
CAN VIRONMENT +can & arrows 44
DEY'S care you can trust 5
EDUCOMP what learning can b 42
GILLETTE best a man can get 3
GILLETTE the best a man can 8
HBC the name you can trust 12
INDO-KLEEN +cogwheels & can 4
KAT +can in circle 12
KISAN the name you can trus 7
LIVE FOR NOW +can & circle 32
SUDHA a name you can trust 11
T.P.H. oil can +faces flowe 21
TASCONI pure olive oil +can 35
TECO values you can rely on 11
TEMPT just can't resist 25
TRS quality you can trust 3
WMC +milk can & oval 29
all can relax AX 9
frog brush & can 2
i-can 39
name you can trust 36
we can KINDERSLEY 41
why walk when you can STRYD 25
you can't be virgin all lif 38, 43
canada +leaf 35
canada BULLS 25
canada CANCO +leaf 16
canada DRY 32
canada MARK +arrow 14
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